Key Speakers
Tentative Title of the Talk |
1. | Prof. Bernd Buechner | Tba | IFW Dresden |
2. | Dr. C. Hess | Unconventional superconductivity in LiFeAs as seen by STM/STS and transport experiments |
IFW Dresden |
3. | Dr. S. Haindl | Thin films of Fe As superconductors (TBC) |
IFW Dresden |
4. | Dr. G. Prando | Electronic phase diagrams of 1111 oxy-pnictides investigated by means of muon spin spectroscop | IFW Dresden |
5. | Prof. D. Johrendt | Chemistry of Fe based superconductors (TBC) |
LMU München |
6. | Prof. D. Inosov | Neutron studies of Fe based superconductors (TBC) |
TU Dresden |
7. | Prof. J. Schmalian | Theory of Fe based superconductors (TBC) | KIT (Karlsruhe) |
8. | Prof. I. Eremin | Theory of Fe based superconductors |
RU Bochum |
9. | Dr. C. Meingast | Thermodynamic properties of Fe based superconductors | KIT (Karlsruhe) |
10. | Dr. J. Deisenhofer | Superconductivity and magnetism of Fe selenides (TBC) |
U Augsburg |
11. | Dr. R. Hackl | Raman spectroscopy (TBC) |
WMI München |
12. | Prof. P. Seidel | Josephson effects (TBC) |
U Jena |
13. | Dr. D. Evtushinsky | ARPES (TBC) |
IFW Dresden |
14. | Prof. Alexander Kordyuk | Complex electronic structure of iron-based superconductors as a key to high temperature superconductivity | Institute of Metal Physics, Kiev |
15. | Prof. Yurii Pogorelov | In-gap quasiparticles and related observable phenomena in ferropnictide superconductors | IMP Kiev & University of Porto |
16. | Prof. Alexander Gabovich | Phase diagram of d-wave superconductors with CDWs and and stationary
Josephson current between them (TBC) |
Institute of Physics, Kiev |
17. | Dr. Tatyana Prikhna | Pressure effect on high temperature superconductors (TBC) |
Institute for Superhard Materials, Kiev |
18. | Prof. Gennady Grechnev | Electronic structure and magnetic properties of LaFeAsO- and FeSe-based
superconductors (TBC) |
ILTPE, Kharkov |
19. | Prof. Yurii Naidyuk | Microcontact spectroscopy of ferropnictides (TBC) |
ILTPE, Kharkov |
20. | Dr. Yurii Chiang | Study of the itinerant electron magnetism of Fe-based superconductors by the
proximity effect (TBC) |
ILTPE, Kharkov |
21. | Dr. Yurii Yerin | Coherent current states in multiband superconductors (TBC) |
ILTPE, Kharkov |
22. | Dr. Andrey Solovjov | Fluctuation conductivity and pseudogap in SmFeAsO (0.85) in comparison with
different theories (TBC) |
ILTPE, Kharkov |
23. | Prof. Nikolay Cherpak | From microwave response to electron system properties of Fe-based superconductors | Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics, Kharkov |
24. | Prof. Mikhail Belogolovskii | Tunneling into two-band superconductors: the case of magnesium diboride and Fe-based superconductors | Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering, Donetsk |
25. | Prof. Yurii Eltsev | Vortex pinning, critical current and its magnetic field dependence for 122 compound | LPI |
26. | Dr. Kirill Mitsen | Tba | LPI |
27. | Pervakov, Kirill | Chemistry and syngle crystal growth of 122 | LPI |
28. | Dr. Svetoslav Kuzmichev | SNS-Andreev Spectroscopy of LiFeAs and RbFe2Se2 Superconductors | MSU |
29. | Prof. Igor Morozov | Synthesis of LiFeAs (TBC) |
30. | Dr. Dmitrii Chareev | Synthesis of FeSe (TBC) | MSU |
31. | Prof. Vitaly Gasparov | Electron transport and anisotropy of the upper critical magnetic field in K0.8Fe2Se2, Ba0.68K0.32Fe2As2, Eu0.5K0.5Fe2As2 and Ba(Fe0.92Co0.08)2As2 single crystals | ISSP, Chernogolovka |
32. | Dr. Maxim Korshunov | Some devils in the details of pairing in Fe-based superconductors | IPh, Krasnoyarsk |
33. | Prof. Vladimir Anisimov | Tba | IMPh, E-burg |
34. | Prof M.Sadovskii | What electronic structure (if any) is favorable for high-Tc superconductivity | IEPh, E-burg |