Trilateral workshop on Hot Topics in HTSC: Fe-Based Superconductors (Fall of 2013)
Trilateral workshop on Hot Topics in HTSC: Fe-Based Superconductors (Fall of 2013)
Dates: September 29 – October 2, 2013
Zvenigorodskii guest house of the RAS (40km to the west of Moscow, nearby Zvenigorod city).
Local Organizers
Vladimir Pudalov (Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS)
Alexander Vasiliev (Moscow State University)
International Committee (Program)
M.Sadovskii (Chair) – Institute for Electrophysics, RAS, Ekaterinburg
A.Kordyuk – Institute of Metal Physics, NASU, Ukraine, Kiev
B.Buechner – IFW, Germany, Dresden
V.Pudalov – Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS
Physics of Novel Fe-Based Superconductors
Number of participants: 60, including senior, junior researchers and students.